“Today be better than yesterday; and tomorrow be better than today. This is how we build our future.”
Our corporate values and working principles guide us and our stakeholders on the rules, standards and expected behavior’s while performing our activities, regulating our working principles with our stakeholders can be summarized as follows:
Act with Honesty and Integrity
We are attentive to being honest, transparent, and in line with acceptable business practices and we require our stakeholders to share the same values and act accordingly.
- Fair Competition: We undertake to comply with competition rules and complete in an ethical manner.
- Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy:All forms of bribery and corruption are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
- Giving/Accepting Gifts and Entertainment Expenses: We may offer / accept gifts to/from any other third party individual / organizations in accordance with the standards acceptable in a business environment and approval of our managers.
- Conflict of Interest Situations: Our employees work with their best efforts protecting the interests of REKA.We protect the interests of REKA above everything else when we carry out our tasks, we refrain from any action that would amount to gaining benefit to ourselves or to our relatives by using the resources or reputation of REKA
- Establishment of a healthy safe working environment:We consider establishment of a healthy and safe working environment for our employees and pay attention to protect confidential information including our employees’ information.
- Health and Safety: We always work to improve and monitor our “Health and Safety Policy” that is also applicable for all our employees, suppliers and partners.
- Confidential Information and Information Security: While performing our duties, we protect all confidential information/documents that we have access to.
Fullfilling Our Responsibilites towards our stakeholders
In addition to our legal responsibilities, we pay attention to fulfill our responsibilities towards our customers, suppliers and partners, competitors, and environment.
- Compliance with Rules and Regulations: We conduct all our operations within the laws, regulations, professional standards, and Reka Working Principles.
- Relations with our customers: We consider our customer’s satisfaction as a top priority while performing duties.
- Relations with suppliers and business partners We attain to build honest, fair and long term business relationship with our suppliers and partners
- Environmental Responsibilities: As an environmental-friendly company, we conduct our activities in full accordance with environmental legislation.
- We act with responsibility and accountability discipline towards all parties. We know that we are responsible from our behaviors, commitments and results.
- Responsibilities towards Our Employees: We provide a suitable working environment for our employees where they can feel safe, comfortable and valued. We support respectful communication between each other.We commit to provide equal opportunities to our employees.
- Economic Use and Protection of Company Assets and Resources We always protect the records, machines, equipments, fixtures, and devices that belong to REKA, and we prevent the misuse, harm, waste of resources, and their borrowing, renting or sale to others.
- Accurate Financial Records and Reports: We accurately, completely, consistently record and report all the transactions regarding our transactions.
- Political Activities and Social Media: Any decision to contribute to any political or social activities are completely personal decisions our employees are strictly prohibited from using the company name, their company position, their title or company resources for any political activities.